bellevue apprenticeship courses


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Bellevue Apprenticeship courses. Here, you will find a range of tailored courses designed to nurture talent and enhance career development.

Explore how our educational apprenticeships blend practical experience with expert guidance, equipping apprentices with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career in the education sector.

Contact us for further information or to speak with one of our course leaders.

Our Courses

Teaching Assistant (L3)

This role is found in primary/prep and secondary schools, special education settings, alternative provision, and further education institutions like sixth forms and colleges. Teaching Assistants support learners of all ages across these educational environments.

Learn more about this course and the requirements here

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Early Years Education (L3)

This role is found in various maintained, private, voluntary, and independent settings, including full-day care, children’s centres, preschools, reception classes, playgroups, nursery schools, home-based care, hospitals, social care environments, out-of-school programs, and local authority services.


Learn more about this course and the requirements here

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Learning Skills Mentor (L4)

This role is present across public, private, and voluntary sectors within national and international educational institutions. Learning and skills mentors are needed in various areas where training and development are essential, including, but not limited to, education, creative industries, and professional development.

Learn more about this course and the requirements here

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Outdoor Learning Specialist (L5)

Outdoor Learning Specialists work in sectors like sport, leisure, public health, and education. They are employed by various organisations, including outdoor activity centres, schools, expedition providers, and youth development organisations, promoting learning through outdoor experiences.

Learn more about this course and the requirements here

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Senior Leadership in Schools (L5)

Improvement Specialists in the education sector lead the implementation of improvement strategies, train staff, and offer in-depth expertise in advanced Lean and Six Sigma, as well as Project and Change Management principles. They utilise these tools to identify and execute improvement opportunities that align with the institution’s key educational objectives.

Learn more about this course and the requirements here

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