'Good TAs need to have bags of initiative. And we have four who do that here, all the time, in bucketloads' – Jo Fife, Head of W…


'Good TAs need to have bags of initiative. And we have four who do that here, all the time, in bucketloads' – Jo Fife, Head of W…


‘Good TAs need to have bags of initiative. And we have four who do that here, all the time, in bucketloads’ – Jo Fife, Head of Wandsworth Preparatory School

We share what makes Bellevue Teaching Assistants stand out, and why the brilliant TAs of Wandsworth Prep are this month’s #BellevueHeroes > https://bit.ly/3ua6ezr

👏 #BellevueFamily #TogetherWeCan 👏

Source: Facebook